October 15, 2007
Envirowise advises companies to re-use, not recyle
Link: Envirowise advises companies to re-use, not recyle
Filed under: Technology News, Business News

Simon Dury, business partnerships director of the Envirowise Project, has advised firms to choose IT equipment that can be re-used, with easily replaceable parts, rather than recycled.
Envirowise is a UK government project which provides free advice to businesses on ...
October 12, 2007
Belfast Telegraph to go offline though inept IT
Link: Belfast Telegraph to go offline though inept IT
Filed under: Webmaster News, Business News

The Belfast Telegraph website is in danger of going offline in a matter of days - because they failed to renew their domain name in July.
After noticing this, Britecorp contacted their IT dept offering to help use their specialise ...
October 11, 2007
SMEs unsure of data protection responsibilities
Link: SMEs unsure of data protection responsibilities
Filed under: Business News

New research commissioned by Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), finds that small and medium-sized enterprises are less aware of the principles of the Data Protection Act than larger organisations.
Less than a quarter of the SMEs surveyed were aware that they are ...
October 3, 2007
Technology companies call for data breach law
Link: Technology companies call for data breach law
Filed under: Technology News, Security News, Business News

According to a survey by Intellect, the trade association for the UK technology industry, over 50 per cent of the UK's technology companies would support legislation requiring companies to notify customers of data breaches.
The preliminary results of the survey ...
October 2, 2007
Microsoft launches startup accelerator programme
Link: Microsoft launches startup accelerator programme
Filed under: Technology News, Microsoft News, Business News

Microsoft has launched its Startup Accelerator Programme in the UK. The programme has been running in the US since August.
The programme aims to help fledgling UK companies with high potential, by providing technical support and guidance on Microsoft technologies. ...
September 27, 2007
Government should help SMEs go green
Link: Government should help SMEs go green
Filed under: Technology News, Business News

According to research by ISP, Eclipse Internet, 82 per cent of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK would like more guidelines from the government on how to reduce their carbon footprints.
Eclipse Internet surveyed 250 SMEs across the ...
September 26, 2007
AOL founder launches Internet credit card
Link: AOL founder launches Internet credit card
Filed under: Finance News, Ecommerce News, Internet News, Business News

Steve Case, the co-founder of AOL, has joined with other industry leaders to launch an innovative online credit card company.
The company, Revolution Money, is a subsidiary of Case's investment company, Revolution LLC.
Revolution Money has launched two products, Revolution MoneyExchange ...
September 20, 2007
Brandsauce revolutionises brand images
Link: Brandsauce revolutionises brand images
Filed under: Software News, Companies News, Business News

On-line 3D modelling firm, Brandsauce, has developed an innovative technique which creates high-quality brand images at a significantly lower cost than traditional product photography.
The online technique also gives a faster turnaround time than traditional methods, and allows the client much more control ...
September 10, 2007
71% of UK companies discourage flexible working
Link: 71% of UK companies discourage flexible working
Filed under: Internet News, Business News

In a YouGov survey of UK workers for Orange Business Services, 71 percent of respondents said that their companies either do not offer flexible working practices, or discourage flexible working even if it is available.
Over a third of ...
September 7, 2007
Wi-fi is key technology for PC buyers
Link: Wi-fi is key technology for PC buyers
Filed under: Wireless News, Technology News, Business News

A new survey by Ipsos MORI identifies Wi-Fi as the most important technology to consumers when they are purchasing new PCs.
Wireless connectivity was found to be more important than enhanced processing power, portable connectivity and the internet.
Half ...
September 6, 2007
London hotspot for card fraud
Link: London hotspot for card fraud
Filed under: Internet News, Business News

Card not present (CNP) fraud has soared by 22% in the UK over the last year according to retail watchdog Early Warning.
According to Early Warning's research, the problem is worst in London, with postcode area SE18 having the highest level of ...
August 23, 2007
Competition Commission lifts business bank rate limits
Link: Competition Commission lifts business bank rate limits
Filed under: Money News, Business News, General News

The Competition Commission has announced plans to lift the price controls it imposed on business bank rates in 2003.
The controls were put in place to make it easier for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to move accounts and to ...
UK SMB’s benefit from technology investment
Link: UK SMB’s benefit from technology investment
Filed under: Technology News, Business News

According to new research carried out by Accelerator in association with Cisco, the vast majority (over 90%) of Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) in the UK, gain significant benefits from their investment in technology.
The 'Accelerator Business Confidence Survey' found ...
Report highlights failings in SMB’s IT security
Link: Report highlights failings in SMB’s IT security
Filed under: Security News, Internet News, Business News

According to new research commissioned by Websense Inc, employees of small and medium sized businesses (SMB's) regularly visit high-risk sites in work time, but IT Managers are failing to implement adequate IT security measures.
The research, which was carried out ...
August 16, 2007
A Level results farce continues
Link: A Level results farce continues
Filed under: Education, Business News

A-Levels results showed no sign of abating the trend of continued increases in pass grades, with the national pass rate up 0.3% to 96.9%, and results with an A up 1.2" to 25.3%.
It demonstrates a continuing trend of dumbing down of the ...
August 10, 2007
Lords report calls for data security law
Link: Lords report calls for data security law
Filed under: Legal News, Internet News, Business News
The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has issued a new report calling for a major review of internet security.
The Personal Internet Security report recommends the urgent introduction of a data security breach law and a central web-based e-crime reporting ...
UK farming faces flooding crisis
Link: UK farming faces flooding crisis
Filed under: Business News
Representatives of the English farming industry have warned that it faces a crisis after extensive damage to crops and livestock by the severe flooding in June and July.
Entire crops have been wiped out, and other farms only expect to be able to harvest around 40% of normal. Additionally, the loss ...
Artic Systems wins tax case in Lords
Link: Artic Systems wins tax case in Lords
Filed under: Business News
Article Systems have won their landmark case against HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in the House of Lords.
The case began in 2003, when the Inland Revenues disputed how the company distributed its dividends.
While Geoff and Diana Jones were both ...