October 3, 2007
Yahoo and Microsoft announce new features
Link: Yahoo and Microsoft announce new features
Filed under: Yahoo! News, Google News, Search Engine News, Microsoft News, Internet News

Both Yahoo and Microsoft have upgraded their search engines in an effort to gain ground on market leader Google.
Google accounts for over half of all Internet searches and holds 75% of the search market in the UK.
Microsoft has ...
September 3, 2007
Google secures news hosting deals
Link: Google secures news hosting deals
Filed under: Google News, Search Engine News, Internet News

Google News has secured licensing agreements with four major news agencies which will help the search engine company generate ad revenue from its news service.
Google News will now run articles from The Associated Press, the Press Association of Great Britain, Canadian Press, and Agence France-Presse. ...
July 20, 2007
Ask announces anonymous Web search tool
Link: Ask announces anonymous Web search tool
Filed under: Search Engine News, Internet News
Search engine Ask has announced a new 'AskEraser' tool that will allow users to search the Web anonymously. Ask is the first major search engine to offer this option.
AskEraser will allow users to adjust their privacy preferences to stop their Web ...
July 3, 2007
Yahoo! launches SmartAds
Link: Yahoo! launches SmartAds
Filed under: Apple News, Yahoo! News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Yahoo! has launched SmartAds, a new display advertising product which allows marketers to display customised ads.
The product allows ads to be tailored to appeal to a targeted audience, based on age, gender, location and online activities.
Instead of one generic ad ...
June 25, 2007
EU to assess search engine’s data retention policies
Link: EU to assess search engine’s data retention policies
Filed under: Legal News, Search Engine News, Internet News
The Article 29 Working Group, a panel of EU data protection official, are extending their investigation into search engines' data retention policies.
The Working Group, led by Supervisor Peter Hustinx, targeted Google in May 2007 and now plans to write to a ...
June 19, 2007
Searchboth.com brings together Google and Yahoo!
Link: Searchboth.com brings together Google and Yahoo!
Filed under: Yahoo! News, Google News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Searchboth.com, a new site from IdeaLabz and the Toll Free Yellow Pages, delivers search results from both Google and Yahoo! in split-screen format.
When a query is typed into the site's search box, the site displays results from Yahoo! on the left side ...
March 23, 2007
Yahoo provides OneSearch for mobile users
Link: Yahoo provides OneSearch for mobile users
Filed under: Web Development News, Software News, Wireless News, Yahoo! News, Marketing News, Search Engine News, Webmaster News, Internet News
Yahoo has launched an Internet search system for users of internet-enabled mobile phones.
The service will start in the US, but will be rolled-out to international markets later in 2007.
The service, called OneSearch, which was unveiled at the Consumer Electronics show in January, ...
March 9, 2007
Wikia to build search engine
Link: Wikia to build search engine
Filed under: Webmaster News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Wikia, the commercial version of non-profit online encyclopedia Wikipedia, is planning to build a search engine which could capture up to 5% of the Internet search market. The search engine would aim to compete with market leaders Google and Yahoo.
The news was revealed ...
March 1, 2007
New Storm Worm inserts links in user messages
Link: New Storm Worm inserts links in user messages
Filed under: Google News, Webmaster News, Search Engine News, Security News, Internet News
A new variant of the Storm Worm has been detected, which inserts unsolicited links into blogs and forums which can infect other users if clicked on.
The original Storm Worm was rand was mass emailed to hundreds of thousands of people ...
February 10, 2007
New Search Engine May Understand Plain English
Link: New Search Engine May Understand Plain English
Filed under: Companies News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in California is licensing a broad portfolio of patents and technology to Powerset, a well-financed start-up company, with the aim of developing a search engine that could eventually compete with Google.
Powerset is licensing PARC's "natural language" technology, which ...
February 1, 2007
Google pushes maps into search
Link: Google pushes maps into search
Filed under: Marketing News, Ecommerce News, Google News, Webmaster News, Internet News, Search Engine News, Business News
Google has announced that it's featuring the use of Google Maps more prominently in many local searches on the search engine.
The result is that when searching for services located in major urban areas, a section from Google Maps will be displayed, showing key ...
January 26, 2007
Google drops bombs
Link: Google drops bombs
Filed under: Web Development News, Google News, Webmaster News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Google has implemented a change to it's search ranking algorithm, which removes existing Google Bombs.
Google Bombs - also known as Link Bombs - were primarily set up by campaigners looking to make a political statement using Google.
For example, when bloggers decided to set ...
January 11, 2007
Google: Update in progress
Link: Google: Update in progress
Filed under: Ecommerce News, Google News, Webmaster News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Google engineer Matt Cutts has announced a new Google update is in progress.
Although he reports that PageRank is only publically updated quarterly, the actual value is updated more or less daily on Google's servers.
Matt Cutts also tried to reassure webmasters that having pages ...
January 3, 2007
Adsense keyword filtering - trial
Link: Adsense keyword filtering - trial
Filed under: AdSense News, Google News, Webmaster News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Caydel reports that Google is testing keyword filtering for Adsense publishers.
According to comments made by Joost de Valk, a beta version is already being trialed - in which publishers can filter ads based on the keywords triggering ads.
Although Adsense publishers would prefer ...
December 29, 2006
Google changes cause concern
Link: Google changes cause concern
Filed under: Google News, Search Engine News, Internet News
Changes that occured in Google results over the Christmas period have raised concerns, particularly for independent adult sites.
Google engineer Matt Cutts indicated that no changes had been made to the Google algorithm - the key feature that ranks webpages for relevance. ...
December 4, 2006
Micrsoft bCentral directory to close?
Link: Micrsoft bCentral directory to close?
Filed under: Webmaster News, Search Engine News, Microsoft News, Business News
The Microsoft small business directory at bCentral appears to be closing down.
Microsoft is no longer accepting submissions to the directory, and additionally are directed to a new set of online services - which are focused on website design and development.
The ...
November 12, 2006
Microsoft search suffers serious flaws
Link: Microsoft search suffers serious flaws
Filed under: Webmaster News, Software News, Search Engine News, Microsoft News, Security News, Internet News
Serious flaws in the new MSN Live.com search engine have been revealed, which could adversely affect websites.
The first is that MSN search is reportedly unable to handle 301 redirects, a common internet protocol used online to indicate that a webpage - or ...
November 2, 2006
Google threat to TV revenue
Link: Google threat to TV revenue
Filed under: Marketing News, Ecommerce News, Google News, Search Engine News, Internet News, Business News
Channel 4's Chief Executive, Andy Duncan, has said that online advertising is a threat to TV revenues.
He highlighted this by pointing out that at the current rate, Google's revenues will outstrip Channel 4's revenues by the end of the year.
Andy Duncan has already ...
October 16, 2006
Google assures Christmas not cancelled
Link: Google assures Christmas not cancelled
Filed under: Google News, Ecommerce News, Webmaster News, Search Engine News, Internet News, Business News
Google has confirmed that it has no plans to apply a major change to how it ranks websites in its search results before this Christmas.
This comes after the past two years have seen major changes implemented before the Christmas shopping season.
In both previous ...
September 30, 2006
Google addresses W3C link selling
Link: Google addresses W3C link selling
Filed under: Google News, Webmaster News, Search Engine News
Google has addressed recent complaints over the W3C selling links on its website.
Google engineer, Matt Cutts, told John Battelle in an interview that a controversial page that allows webmasters to pay for listings on the W3C site now had a "index, nofollow" ...
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