Paypal: new site design and phishing

September 30, 2004

Categories: E-commerce

Paypal currently looks like this:

However, apparently there’s a new redesign in the works, with a friendly and less plain frontpage:

It’s be interesting as to whether there will be any changes to functionality.

And it’s worth repeating - NEVER CLICK ON A LINK IN A PAYPAL E-MAIL - because the link is certainly not a link to Paypal, but a spoofed link to another website.

The site will look like Paypal’s, but it isn’t - and it will record whatever confidential information you enter in, only to be reused to whatever whims, intents and purposes, that the webmaster phishing you has.

I actually fell for one the other night - I’m in the process of setting up a business Paypal account, it was late - and it was my first ever phishing e-mail (and surely not my last). Luckily, I realised exactly what I’d done just after signing in and immediately e-mailed Paypal and changed my Paypal password twice.

Anyway - just be careful of phishing e-mails for any bank or merchant processor. In the meantime I’ll be happy to see in Paypal’s new site design with my new Paypal business account. :)

Link: Paypal: new site design and phishing