November 14, 2006

Customers unhappy with broadband

Link: Customers unhappy with broadband

Categories: Business, Technology

According to a uSwitch customer survey, broadband customers are increasingly unhappy with their service.

While uSwitch highlights that “most providers fail to match rising customer numbers with improved services and technology”, the truth is probably more unsettling.

Simply put, too often providers invest very little in customer and technical support departments - leaving customers unable to quickly resolve issues affecting their service.

For example, from our own experience, even business broadband customers using Pipex are commonly left holding the phone for 20 minutes before being answered.

Additionally, companies such as BT are so departmentalised that often customers can end up being pushed around in circles, unable to get issues resolved.

Overall, it seems that many companies have seen broadband subscriptions as easy money to tap into, but fail to appreciate - or properly invest in - customer and technical support.

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